Top 10 Grant Writing Services in 2024

The world of grants is complex and competitive. Understanding grant writing nuances is crucial for organizations and individuals seeking to secure funding through grants. Grant writing services provide invaluable assistance in this process, helping to translate project goals into compelling narratives that align with potential funders” priorities. These services enhance the chances of securing grant funding and save time and resources.

Top Grant Writing Services

Grant writing is a skill that combines knowledge of funding processes with the ability to craft persuasive proposals. Professional grant writers specialize in understanding the requirements of different grantors, ensuring that proposals are well-written and tailored to meet specific criteria. This expertise is invaluable for nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, private foundations, and other entities seeking funding. The right grant writing service can transform a project’s funding journey, enhancing the likelihood of success in an increasingly competitive arena.


WriterHire stands out for its focus on various sectors. The platform provides access to writers skilled in different aspects of grant writing, from research to crafting narratives. WriterHire emphasizes alignment between grant proposals and client objectives, ensuring each grant application is tailored to the project’s needs.


  • Specialized in diverse sectors
  • Access to experienced grant writers


  • Customized pricing may vary significantly


Upwork is known for its wide range of professionals. The platform offers the flexibility to choose from many grant writers, each with different expertise and rates. Upwork’s robust system helps clients review funding opportunities and select writers based on past success and detailed profiles.


  • Extensive search filters
  • Secure payment system


  • A service fee of 5% on each payment


Freelancer is a popular platform among various sectors, especially nonprofits. It allows clients to post job listings and receive freelancer bids, providing options across different expertise levels and price points.


  • Diverse user base
  • Competitive bidding system


  • A barrage of proposals to sift through

Grant Writer Team

Grant Writer Team focuses specifically on their grant research and writing services, offering profiles of experienced writers. This specialization ensures a high level of expertise for clients looking for grant-writing consultants.


  • Niche-specific platform
  • Request-based matching system


  • Potentially narrower pool of writers


Indeed serves as a comprehensive job board for grant opportunities, connecting clients with freelance and full-time grant writing professionals. Its vast user base includes a range of experience levels, from novices to seasoned professionals.


  • Extensive job posting capabilities
  • Free job postings


  • Less specialized in grant writing services


LinkedIn offers a ProFinder service to connect clients writing grant proposals with experienced grant writers. Its networking nature and detailed professional profiles aid in finding the right match for grant writing needs.


  • Network-based recommendations
  • Detailed professional profiles


  • Not exclusively tailored for grant writing services

American Grant Writers’ Association (AGWA)

AGWA provides a directory of certified grant writers, ensuring professionalism and expertise in grant proposal writing. Its focus on certified professionals makes it a reliable source for finding skilled grant writers.


  • Certified grant writers
  • Industry-specific resources


  • User experience may not be as dynamic as other platforms

Philanthropy News Digest

Philanthropy News Digest offers a job board specifically for grant writers in the philanthropy sector. Its specialized focus is to write grants and is ideal for projects related to social causes or nonprofit strategies.


  • Niche-specific job board
  • Regular updates on philanthropy


  • Limited variety of writers outside philanthropy


Guru is versatile for hiring grant writers with a foundation in research and writing. Its workroom feature allows for easy collaboration and real-time project tracking of grant applications.


  • Detailed feedback system
  • Secure payment escrow


  • Potential payment disputes


Idealist focuses on nonprofits and their various funding sources and strategies, making it an excellent resource for projects aligned with this sector. It connects clients with grant writers passionate about social causes.


  • Nonprofit-focused job board
  • Access to passionate professionals


  • Less suited for diversified grant writing needs

What to Keep in Mind When Looking for Grant Writing Services

Selecting a grant writing service requires careful consideration. First, assess the specific funding needs of your project or organization. Different services offer varied expertise, so choosing one that aligns with your project’s focus and funding goals is crucial. For instance, some services specialize in nonprofit organizations, while others may have a broader scope.

Evaluating potential grant writers’ experience and track record is also important. Look for professionals who have successfully secured funding for projects similar to yours. Reviewing past success stories or testimonials can provide insights into their ability to deliver results.

Consider the pricing structure of the service. Some operate their programs on a fixed-fee basis, while others may offer more flexible pricing models. Ensure that the cost aligns with your budget and the potential return on investment.

Lastly, assess the level of support and communication you can expect. A good grant writing service should offer transparency throughout the application process and be willing to collaborate closely with your team. This ensures that the final proposal accurately reflects your project’s goals and stands a better chance of success.


Here are the most frequently asked questions about grant writing services.

What is grant writing?

Grant writing involves creating proposals to secure funding from government entities, foundations, other funds, and organizations. It requires research, persuasive writing, and a deep understanding of the funding process.

Why are grant writing services important?

These services are crucial for organizations seeking funding as they provide expertise in crafting compelling proposals that meet specific funder requirements, increasing the nonprofit organization chances of securing funding.

How do I choose the right grant writing service?

Consider the service’s expertise in your sector, its track record of success, its pricing structure, and the level of collaboration and support it offers.

Can grant writing services guarantee funding?

No service can guarantee funding as the decision ultimately rests with the funding source. However, professional grant writers can significantly improve the chances of a successful application submission.

Josh Fechter
Josh Fechter
Josh is the founder and CEO of Squibler.