ProWritingAid: Is it Worth it? [Review]

There are so many writers in the world these days that it is no longer just about being a writer – but being a good one. As such, it is pertinent that writers use every available weapon in their arsenal to get ahead of competitors. There are a lot of tools that are designed to help writers become the best they can be, and help them work efficiently at the same time.

Developers are designing writing software daily to help enhance our writing skills to give the best to our clients and fans. On fe such software is ProWritingAid. The importance of ProWritingAid can’t be underrated because it has been of immense benefits to its users.  New writing software is being developed all the time, but ProWritingAid remains at the top of the game. Here you will be able to ascertain if ProWritingAid is worth using for you.

What is ProWritingAid?

It can be described as an online editing software designed to help writers. They refer to themselves as an “online writing coach.” This software that aids in fixing all types of writing errors – grammar, spelling, and plagiarism are some examples.

Functions of ProWritingAid

  • Check for errors: It will scan your work and immediately pinpoint any basic errors within the writing.
  • Style editor: It analyzes your writing from several different stylistic perspectivces, and tells you how to improve. This is part of what helps it emulate a mentor type relationship.
  • Fast editing: ProWritingAid provides immediate results so your editing process is never hindered or slowed due to using the software.
  • Writing issues: ProWritingAid detects issues like improper sentence length, passive voice, repetitiveness, overuse of adverbs,  and vague wording.
  • Right words found: Prowritingaid functions as a tool to bring up new words for writers.  It has features that contain a contextual thesaurus and word explorer. These tools offer word choice suggestions if they feel something better could be used. This can help sentences become more concise and logical as well as easier to digest and understand.
  • A learning curve for the writer: Over time, ProWritingAid enables writers to learn from their own mistakes and begin to eliminate the errors themselves.

Versions of ProWritingAid

There are three versions of ProWritingAid available for writers. Each has it’s own price point and associated features. Some people will benefit more from the upgardes and others won’t – it depends which features you are most interested in for your writing.  

  • The basic, free version
  • Premium upgarde
  • Premium plus

ProWritingAid Free Version

The free version of ProWritingAid comes with a lot of great features that are available to all writers free of charge. Even if you’re on a budget, you can still reap the benefits of the program and become a better writer in the process.

Features of ProWritingAid Free Version:

  • Edit 500 words at a time
  • 19 writing reports
  • Report key issues
  • Gives a summary report
  • Use online only

ProWritingAid Premium Version

The premium version of ProWritingAid averages around $60/year for full access, with a few different options to pay depending on your preference and budget. If offers several benefits over the free version and gives access to additional features to make your editing experience even more comprehensive.

Features of ProWritingAid Premium Version

  • No word limit
  • 25 writing reports
  • Report on key issues
  • Has a desktop version
  • Gives a summary
  • Integration for Scrivener, Chrome, MS word, and Google Docs
  • Use of online app

ProWritingAid Premium Plus

This is another good version of ProWritingAid that needs to be purchased for about $70 a year for full usage. The main benefit to the plus upgrade over regular premium is the plagiarism checks. They are not included for free with regular premium access, but the premium plus comes with some checks included in the price.

Features of ProWritingAid Premium Plus:

  • Report on key issues
  • No word count
  • 25 writing reports
  • Has desktop version
  • Gives a summary
  • Integration of Scrivener, Chrome, MS Word, and Google Docs
  • Use of online app
  • 50 plagiarism checks per year
  • Perfect for academics

People That Use ProWritingAid

ProWritingAid can be beneficial to all writers. It is a universal editor with features and tools to meet the needs of whatever your project may be. Typical users include:

Business Writers

Business professionals that need to deliver concise and error-free reports, presentations, pitches, or emails can use ProWritingAid. Mistakes can’t be associated with a professional. So, to be the smart business writer that you want to be, use ProWritinAid as your editor.


ProWritingAid will be an excellent help to any student. Whether you are working on your assignments, papers, presentations, or your thesis. Don’t get your supervisor or professor distracted with your errors or unclear ideas.

Schools are also very strict about plagiarism. Not many students will attempt to blatantly plagiarize, but sometimes it can happen accidentally when doing lots of research. The plagiarism checker within ProWritingAid can help you make sure this doesn’t happen.

Bloggers and Content Writers

Error-free writing is also important to bloggers and content writers. Whether you are writing for your own blog or producing content for someone else, you always want to do your best work. Like students, extensive research can sometimes result in small bits of unintentional plagiarism, so use the plagiarism checker to make sure you’ve only used your own ideas.

Fiction and Non-fiction Writers

ProWritingAid can be useful in preparing your books and stories for publishing. It is always recommended to hire a professional editor to do some final rounds of corrections, but ProWritingAid can help you clean it up before submitting it. This will make the editors happy and you will require less of their time which will save you money!

ProWritingAid – Is it Worth it?

With the growing numbers of writing software on the market, some are more valuable than others. ProWritingAid is one of the top programs as it has a lot of unique features that aren’t found anywhere else. Between this and the basic spelling and grammatical help you get, most writers find that it is a good choice. Here is an overview of the benefits:

Explain Errors

ProWritingAid doesn’t just check errors – it explains them and the reasoning behind the flag. This helps writers to see the impact of their mistake and keep it in mind going forward.

Correction Suggestions

You will be given alternatives and other suggestions for flagged errors. You don’t need to look elsewhere for answers once you’ve identified the mistake, ProWritingAid tells you right then and there what will be best.

Flexible Usage

This is writing software that is compatable with both Windows and Mac. This makes it available to pretty much everyone and no one has to miss out just because of the operating system they use.

Application Integration

Prowritingaid provides a seamless experience for those who like to do their work in specific writing programs such as Scrivener, MS Word, or Google Docs. It also inegrates with Chrome itself to moniter all the writing you do across the entire internet.

The Word Explorer

You can find the right words to express your ideas and spread your message more clearly with the word exporter. This is one feature that makes this software stand out among the rest – it takes context into consideration before suggesting corrections.

Expand Your Vocabulary

ProWritingAid contains several different features that help you improve your word choice:

  • A cliché detector
  • Alliteration detector
  • A dictionary
  • A thesaurus
  • A reverse dictionary

Theses things point out places and words where things might sound a little off or not make as much sense. It suggests alternative words that might be better. As you go through this over and over, your vocabulary will start to improve with exposure to all kinds of new words.

Tracking Common Mistakes

Most seasoned writers are able to avoid the more common and simple mistakes on a regular basis, but no one is perfect. Even the best of the best sometimes fall short and they make what should be a rookie mistake. ProWritingAid catches these oversights quickly and ensures you are able to fix them right away.

Lifetime Pricing Option

Prowritingaid has a lifetime option if you know the software works for you and you want to keep it long-term. This is a great option for professionals and/or those who write a lot every day. The lifetime price is $175 which will save you a lot of money in the long run, if you know you like the program.

Visual Analysis of Work

ProWritingAid will provide visual reports of your work for those that like to look at things in terms of lines and charts. One thing it does is create a chart that represents your sentence length over time. You can see a linear progression and determine steps to improve yourself from there.

Refund Policy

With Prowritingaid there’s a 14-day free trial for customers to enjoy and test the software to make sure it is the best fit for them. Even beyond this there is a refund policy if you find you don’t like it after all.

Overall Verdict

Based on all of the above-mentioned features and the unique abilities that make it stand out from the rest, it is safe to say that ProWritingAid is worth the money. Take the free version for a spin and see how it works with you and your writing. Chances are, you will find yourself wanting that premium upgrade before too long.

ProWritingAid Integrations

One outstanding feature of Prowritingaid is its ability to integrate with other programs. This feature is available only after purchasing the premium upgrade.

  • Microsoft Word
  •  Google Chrome
  •  Google Docs
  •  Scrivener

ProWritingAid for Microsoft Word

ProWritingAid will add a toolbar into your Microsoft Word. it is compatible with MS 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016. Unfortuantely it is only compatible with Word on the Windows operating system.

ProWritingAid for Google Chrome

You can install the program as a browser extention. This gives you access to its editing abilities across the entire web. You can have corretions made within your emails and social media posts. It can also be extremely helpful to those writing directly into their blogging platforms before publishing – WordPress, for example.

ProWritingAid for Google Docs

Many write in Google Docs because of it’s functionality and/or the collaboration capabilities. For professionals working with others on a projet especially, this is a great way to keep your work tight, clear, and concise.

ProWritingAid for Scrivener

Much like with MS Word, you add ProWritingAid directly to Scrivener. Many writers do all of their work in Scrivener as they enjoy the long list of benefits and features of the software. Now you can combine the comprehensive organization and productivity of Scrivner with the robust and complete editing and stylistic corrections of ProWritingAid.

In Summary

ProWritingAid is considered by many to be one of the best writing software available right now. It helps you with editing and style improvement in the same place, which saves everyone valuable time, effort, and stress. All you need to do when editing is copy and paste your text into the ProWriting Aid editor and press the summary button. It not only helps with editing, but pushes a writer to improve on their skills. There is no doubt that ProWritingAid is one of the best online writing tools for smart writers.

Josh Fechter
Josh Fechter
Josh is the founder and CEO of Squibler.