How to Write Faster (7 Steps & Ways to Achieve Them)

Increasing writing speed involves a complex interplay of factors, including environmental optimization, process efficiency, and the employment of various technological tools. This article explores these components, offering pragmatic insights and strategies to help you learn how to write faster.

We will examine existing writing processes, discuss goal-setting, delve into creating conducive writing environments, and explore using specific writing techniques and tools.

The objective is to provide a comprehensive guide that equips individuals with practical methods to improve their writing efficiency, thereby enhancing overall productivity in their writing endeavors.

Learning How to Write Faster

Here are the main steps and techniques to help you increase your writing speed and writing flow.

1. Understand Your Current Writing Process

Understanding your current writing process is the first step in improving your writing skills.

Self-Analysis of Writing Habits

Observing and noting one’s writing patterns includes understanding when you are most productive, the typical duration of your writing sessions, and the frequency of interruptions. The goal here is not to critique but to better understand your writing rhythms and habits.

Key things to consider:

  • Peak Productivity Times: Identify when in the day you achieve maximum focus and output. This can help you schedule your most demanding writing tasks during these periods, leveraging your natural productivity cycles.
  • Session Duration: Monitor how long you typically write. Understanding this can help you optimize the length of your writing sessions to maintain momentum without leading to burnout.
  • Interruption Patterns: Note how often and why interruptions occur. Minimizing these disruptions can significantly increase your writing flow and efficiency, allowing you to complete projects faster and with fewer pauses.

Identifying Bottlenecks

Identifying bottlenecks in your writing process is another step. These are points where your workflow gets interrupted or slowed down. Common bottlenecks include spending too much time on research, struggling to organize thoughts, or over-editing while writing.

Assess the tools you use – both physical and digital – and consider whether they are contributing to or alleviating these bottlenecks.

Common bottlenecks to notice:

  • Research, organizing thoughts, excessive editing
  • Evaluation of writing tools

Assessing Writing Efficiency

Efficiency in writing is measured by how much quality content you produce in a given timeframe. This step involves identifying factors that may be hindering your writing efficiency. These range from lack of preparation and unclear writing objectives to physical discomfort during writing sessions.

Key elements for assessing writing efficiency:

  • Measuring quality writing produced within a specific timeframe
  • Preparation
  • Objectives
  • Physical comfort

Psychological Aspects of Writing

The mental and emotional aspects play a significant role in your writing speed. This includes addressing stress, lack of confidence, and mental fatigue. Understanding and managing these psychological barriers are essential for improving the writing process.

Psychological aspects to be aware of:

  • Impact of stress
  • Confidence
  • Mental fatigue on writing

2. Setting Goals & Planning

Setting achievable goals is crucial for enhancing writing speed. Begin by defining what you aim to accomplish in each writing session. Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

This clarity helps maintain focus and provides direction throughout the writing process.

Consider these factors when setting your writing goals:

  • Define the purpose of each writing session
  • Set realistic word count or page targets
  • Allocate a specific time frame for achieving these goals

Effective Planning & Structuring

Once goals are set, planning how to achieve them becomes the next step. Effective planning involves breaking down the writing task into smaller, manageable parts. Create a roadmap or outline for your writing project.

The outline should detail the main points or sections and provide a coherent structure.

Key components in planning your writing:

  • Break down the writing task into smaller sections
  • Develop a detailed outline or roadmap for the project
  • Schedule writing blocks in alignment with your peak productivity hours, whether you’re an early bird or a night owl.

If you’re writing a book or a screenplay, use premade templates provided by Squibler. These templates provide everything you need to kickstart your writing.

Prioritizing Tasks

Prioritization is essential, especially when working on larger projects or handling multiple writing assignments. Identify the most critical tasks and tackle them first. This approach ensures that the most important parts of your writing get the attention they need early on.

Strategies for prioritizing your writing tasks:

  • Determine which sections or aspects of the writing are most crucial
  • Tackle high-priority tasks during your peak productivity periods
  • Use deadlines to guide the prioritization of writing tasks

Regular Review & Adjustment of Goals

The writing process is unpredictable, and goals may need adjustments. Review your writing progress and be flexible in adjusting your goals and plans as needed.

Flexibility helps manage unexpected challenges and ensures your writing goals remain achievable and relevant.

Tips for reviewing and adjusting your writing goals:

  • Assess your progress towards set goals
  • Be prepared to modify goals in response to new information or challenges
  • Adjust your writing plan to stay aligned with updated goals

Squibler also has an option to set up and track writing goals. Set the goals according to your plan and writing flow to maximize your writing speed.

Goals provide a structured approach, keep you focused, and ensure you work towards achievable targets. Reviewing and adjusting these goals helps maintain relevance and achievability throughout the writing process.

3. Creating an Ideal Writing Environment

The physical environment where you write impacts your ability to write quickly and efficiently. It is important to create a space that minimizes distractions and maximizes comfort. This might mean different things for different people, so it’s essential to understand what works best for you.

Key elements to consider for your physical writing space:

  • Choose a quiet and comfortable location
  • Ensure good lighting and ergonomic seating
  • Keep necessary writing tools and resources within reach

Managing Digital Distractions

One of the biggest writing challenges is the constant barrage of digital distractions. Managing involves turning off notifications, using apps that block distracting websites, or setting specific times to check emails and messages.

Strategies to minimize digital distractions:

  • Turn off notifications on your phone and computer
  • Use website blockers during writing sessions
  • Allocate specific times for checking emails and social media

Creating a Routine & Atmosphere

A consistent writing routine signals your brain that it’s time to focus and write. This includes specific rituals or setups that help get you into the writing zone.

Additionally, the atmosphere of your writing space influences your productivity.

Ways to establish a conducive writing routine and atmosphere:

  • Stick to a consistent writing schedule
  • Use rituals like brewing a cup of tea or playing background music to signal writing time
  • Personalize your space with items that inspire and motivate you

Balancing Isolation & Interaction

While isolation can benefit writing, balancing this with interaction is important. Interaction provides new ideas and perspectives, helping to overcome writer’s block or providing a much-needed break from intensive writing sessions.

Tips for balancing solitude and interaction:

  • Schedule short breaks to interact with others or engage in different activities
  • Join writing groups or online forums for periodic engagement
  • Use interaction as a tool for inspiration and refreshment

Creating an ideal writing environment is a crucial step in writing faster. It involves tailoring your physical and digital space, establishing a routine and atmosphere that fosters concentration, and finding the right balance between isolation and interaction.

A personalized environment helps improve your writing speed and efficiency.

4. Improving Typing Speed & Efficiency

Mastering the keyboard is a fundamental skill for learning how to write faster. Efficient typing minimizes the time spent translating thoughts into text, impacting your writing speed. However, sharpening your typing skills requires deliberate practice and targeted strategies.

Assessing your current skill level:

  • Typing Test: Begin by taking online typing tests to gauge your current speed and accuracy. Popular options include TypingClub, 10FastFingers, and NitroType.
  • Common Bottlenecks: Analyze your typing test results and identify recurring errors or specific key combinations causing delays. This self-assessment helps prioritize areas for improvement.

Targeted practice strategies:

  • Touch Typing Mastery: Learning proper finger placement and touch typing techniques builds a strong foundation for efficient typing. Online platforms like Keybr and Ratatype offer interactive lessons and exercises to cultivate touch typing habits.
  • Focused Drills: Once comfortable with basic key placements, engage in targeted drills focusing on specific key combinations or tricky letters. Numerous websites offer customizable drill sets catered to individual needs.
  • Progressive Speed Challenges: Gradually increase typing speed while maintaining accuracy through dedicated speed drills. Use online tools like Typeracer or NitroType’s Race mode to gamify speed practice and track progress.

While aiming for increased speed, accuracy remains paramount. Prioritize accuracy throughout your practice, and enhance your typing speed while maintaining a low error rate.

Rushing your practice leads to ingrained bad habits and hinders progress.

Ergonomics & Equipment

Invest in a comfortable ergonomic keyboard and adjust your posture to minimize typing-related fatigue and strain. Proper wrist support and neutral hand positioning are crucial for long-term comfort and sustained performance.


Explore text-prediction software or dictation tools to optimize your typing workflow further. These tools suggest words or transcribe your speech to text, increasing your writing output.

Remember, consistent practice is key to unlocking your full typing potential. Dedicate short but regular practice sessions throughout your day to solidify your skills and witness a steady improvement in your typing speed and efficiency.

As your fingers dance across the keyboard with increasing agility, you’ll see a direct boost in your overall writing speed and productivity.

5. Research & Information Organization

By developing efficient research and information organization strategies, you minimize time spent sifting through data and maximize the incorporation of relevant findings into your writing, boosting speed and quality.

Here are some practical steps to conquer the information overflow:

Defining Your Research Scope

Consider these things to understand the research scope.

  1. Precise Focus: Define your topic and research questions before initiating your research. Narrow your focus to specific aspects you want to explore, ensuring targeted research and preventing irrelevant detours.
  2. Keyword Refinement: Craft precise search terms by understanding key concepts and their synonymous counterparts. Use filters and advanced search techniques within databases and search engines to identify relevant and reliable sources.

Gathering Information

Here’s how to gather information:

  1. Source Diversification: Use a variety of information sources. Consult academic journals, reputable websites, credible news articles, and expert opinions. Explore primary sources like research papers and historical documents for original accounts and unique perspectives.
  2. Purposeful Note-Taking: Develop an effective note-taking system tailored to your needs. Annotate digital sources, use note cards for physical materials, or employ dedicated software. Capture key points, quotes, and paraphrases, including source information for proper citation.
  3. Essence Extraction: Distill the information into manageable chunks. Summarize key arguments, identify opposing viewpoints, and extract relevant data like statistics or case studies. Focus on understanding the core message of each source before moving on.

Organizing & Analyzing Findings

The next step is to organize and analyze your findings:

  1. Mind Mapping: Use mind mapping to visualize connections between your research findings. This technique helps group related information, identify knowledge gaps, and establish a clear hierarchy of ideas.
  2. Digital Database Management: Leverage reference management software like Zotero or Mendeley to store and organize your research materials. Categorize entries, tag keywords, and use citation generators for effortless referencing.
  3. Outlining and Structuring: Translate your research findings into a clear outline. Organize your points, ensuring smooth flow within your written piece. This pre-planning phase saves time during the writing process and eliminates unnecessary backtracking.

Critical Evaluation & Synthesis

Finally, you must evaluate:

  1. Source Credibility Assessment: Always scrutinize the credibility of your sources. Verify the author’s expertise, check publication dates and potential bias, and examine methodologies employed in research papers.
  2. Fact-Checking and Cross-Referencing: Don’t accept information at face value. Cross-reference findings with multiple sources, verify statistics and avoid relying on anecdotal evidence.
  3. Synthesize and Analyze: Go beyond recording information. Analyze the data, identify patterns and connections, and form your interpretations and conclusions based on your research.

Effective research and information organization are ongoing processes. Revisit your search terms, refine your focus, and evaluate the relevance and credibility of your sources.

By gathering, organizing, and analyzing information, you transform overwhelming data into a springboard for insightful writing, propelling you toward speed and success.

6. Writing Methods & Tools

Various writing techniques and tools enhance your writing speed and overall workflow. Choosing the right strategy depends on your writing style and preferences, but exploring these options unlocks new productivity levels.

Methodologies for Focused Writing

Here are the most popular methods that improve writing skills and help you write faster:

  • Pomodoro Technique: Break down your writing sessions into focused 25-minute intervals with short breaks. This technique promotes sustained concentration and prevents burnout.
  • Freewriting: Stream of consciousness writing where you continuously write without stopping or self-editing. This free-flowing method unleashes creativity and helps overcome writer’s block.
  • Mind Mapping: Visually organize your thoughts and ideas around a central topic. This non-linear approach sparks new connections and enhances brainstorming.

Software & Tools for Enhanced Writing

Next, let’s review tools beyond usual writing software, such as Google Docs and Microsoft Word.

  • Word Processors with Focus Mode: Use applications like FocusWriter or Ulysses, which minimize distractions by hiding menus and toolbars, promoting full-screen immersion in your writing.
  • Voice-to-Text Software: Consider dictation tools like Dragon or Google Docs dictation to convert your spoken words into text. This is helpful for fast-paced thinkers or those struggling with typing speed.
  • Grammar and Style Checkers: Spelling and grammar checkers like Grammarly or ProWritingAid provide real-time feedback on grammar, punctuation, and style, helping you maintain accuracy and polish your writing without interrupting your flow.
  • AI Writing Tools: Specialized tools, such as Squibler AI, reduce the time by providing ideas, suggestions, and templates so you can focus on writing.

7. Developing a Concise Writing Style

Crafting concise prose is not just about learning how to write faster; it’s about crafting impactful writing that resonates with your reader.

Here are some essential tips to refine your style and ensure your message shines through.

Tips for Clear Writing

Here are writing tips that everyone must know before they start writing:

  • Active Voice First: Prioritize active voice constructions. Sentences like “The researcher analyzed the data” are stronger and clearer than “The data was analyzed by the researcher.”
  • Precise Word Choice: Opt for specific and impactful words. Replace weak verbs with stronger alternatives (“walked” to “strutted”), and remove unnecessary adverbs (“slightly damp” to “damp”).
  • Conciseness is Key: Eliminate redundancy and fluff. Avoid overused phrases (“at this point”) and unnecessary qualifiers (“maybe” or “possibly”).
  • Sentence Length Variation: Intermix sentence lengths to keep your reader engaged. Short, punchy sentences add emphasis, while longer sentences provide nuance.
  • Structure for Comprehension: Organize your thoughts. Use transitions and clear headings to guide your reader through your argument.

Avoiding Over-Editing in the Initial Phase

Resist the urge to over-edit during the initial writing phase. While polishing is crucial, excessive editing stifles your flow. Here’s why:

  • Embrace the Rough Draft: The first draft is about getting your ideas on paper, not perfection. Don’t get bogged down in grammar and syntax; focus on capturing your thoughts and building your overall structure.
  • Edit: Schedule separate dedicated editing sessions later in the process. This allows you to approach your work with fresh eyes and focus on specific aspects like clarity, cohesion, and flow.
  • Maintain Momentum: Over-editing kills writing momentum. Prioritize completing your first draft, leaving the fine-tuning for later.

Concise writing is not about writing short sentences or stripping your work of all emotion. It’s about communicating your ideas while respecting your reader’s time and attention.

Top 3 Tools to Write Faster

Writing efficiency hinges not only on skill and technique but also on the tools writers employ. This section delves into the top 3 tools to enhance your writing speed and streamline your writing process.

1. Squibler

Squibler is an innovative AI writing tool designed to streamline the book creation and publishing process, aiming to increase productivity and organization for writers. It helps you write and publish a book in as little as 30 days by providing features that make the writing process more efficient.


Squibler templates

Key features of Squibler include:

  • AI-driven content generation and rewriting, which allow you to develop content quickly without starting from scratch.
  • Visual tools that generate images and videos to enrich scene descriptions and add depth to your story.
  • An intuitive interface for note-taking, research, and outlining that supports spelling checks and organizes chapters and scenes effectively.
  • Collaboration tools within the editor to assign tasks to editors and collaborators, helping maintain momentum and focus on the main points.
  • Goal-setting functionalities to track daily progress and keep writers motivated throughout their writing project.

Squibler’s AI not only creates new content but can also refine existing text to enhance clarity and add dynamism to your narrative. This enables writers to improve their writing speed, minimize distractions, and focus on producing high-quality content efficiently. Squibler supports both eBook and print formats, making it a versatile choice for writers looking to transform their ideas into published works.

2. Scrivener

Scrivener, while not the newest tool, is designed to help you write books and large projects. It has many features that can seem overwhelming at first. However, if you’re ready to learn how to use them, Scrivener becomes an excellent resource. It helps you organize your notes and outlines well, making it easier to focus on writing.

For those who like a lot of structure and detailed plans, Scrivener is perfect. You can try it for free for 30 days. If you want to keep using it after that, it costs $45 for a one-time purchase. Scrivener works on both Mac and Windows computers.

To better understand how Scrivener can help you write faster, manage your writing tasks better, and save time, consider reading a detailed review. This software is great for professional writers who need to stay on track from the first draft to the finished piece.

3. Ulysses

Ulysses appeals to writers who seek a clean, distraction-free interface that promotes writing flow. While Scrivener and Squibler cater mainly to novelists, Ulysses shines with its minimalist design and intuitive functionality. Its interface stays uncluttered, activating advanced features only as needed, which boosts writing flow and efficiency.

For bloggers and online content creators, Ulysses offers invaluable sharing features. It provides a live preview, allowing writers to visualize how their content will appear online before publication. This minimizes the need for revisions and saves time editing. Once satisfied, users can directly publish their work to popular platforms like WordPress and Medium, or choose from various export options including email, iBooks, and Google Drive, among others.


Here are the most frequently asked questions about learning how to write faster.

How can I save time in my writing process?

Planning your writing helps you with writing fast and with the editing process. Outlining beforehand gives you a roadmap, and tools like website blockers keep distractions at bay. Consider dictation software and grammar checkers for efficiency, and don’t forget to practice typing for smoother idea flow.

Why avoid over-editing during the initial writing phase?

Over-editing stalls your creativity. Get your ideas down and imperfections, then schedule separate editing sessions with fresh eyes. Remember, the first draft is about getting started, not perfection.

How can I build a writing habit even when I’m busy?

Start small and make it realistic. 15 minutes a day adds up. Integrate writing into your routine, like mornings or lunch breaks. Find a writing community or accountability partner for support, and remember, consistency is key – even the little bits matter.

Can I write fast without sacrificing quality?

Knowing your topic helps with fluency, and freewriting gets ideas flowing. Challenge yourself with word count goals, and study the work of fast writers for adaptable techniques. Remember, writing is a skill – the more you do it, the better and faster you’ll become.

Josh Fechter
Josh Fechter
Josh is the founder and CEO of Squibler.